Saturday 20 July 2013

There must be a easier way!

I seldom do something that takes allot of time and effort without trying to think up a plan to do it easier faster or better. Exactly that happened when I started cleaning the first of a bucket full of rusted nuts and bolts. My first idea was to use my dremel with a wire brush, to be honest it took so long that by the time that I would have finished all of them the selling of petrol would have been banned by the UN.

Then the a idea dawned on me to use some kind of acid to magically etch the dirt and rust formed over the last 47 years of. I then got some swimming pool acid from my local hardware store and employed the little bit of chemistry knowledge that I got in school to build my own miniature acid dipping plant.
 I took thin pieces of stainless steal wire, tied it to each part that needed cleaning and dipped it into the pool acid for 10 minutes. After taking it out I neutralized the acid by dipping it into a bicarbonate of soda and water mixture that I made.
 With absolutely no effort the parts came out looking like they where just made in the factory!!!! now that's what I call easy. I hope that I haven't taken to many years of my life expectancy with the fumes that got me a couple of times, please be careful when trying this!!!

Pleas let me know if you know about a old Vespa standing around in the shed , it might just be a Sprint 150 that can be a donor for some much needed parts, I most importantly need a engine if I ever want this project to run.


1 comment:

  1. Hi there Ruan,

    I came across your blog by accident on the modernvespa forum - wondered if you are still working on your 1965 Vespa sprint?

    Let me know - as I'm also working on a similar model and project in Durban. You can check out my blog -

    Chat again soon I hope. Leave me a comment on my blog and then we can discuss how to exchange email addresses
